Frequent Questions

What is Bareedi?

Bareedi is a leading Arabic email service created to meet the needs of Arab users about everything related to Arabic email.

How do I start using Bareedi?

You can start using it by registering on the site or app and creating a new account, after that you can add contacts and start sending and receiving email.

What is the invitation code on the account creation page?

The invitation code is the confirmation code that you get from Bareedi to gain access. Click on Request Invitation Code and add your email address, and the invitation code will be sent to your email within 24 hours.

Can I use Bareedi on my mobile devices?

Yes, you can use Bareedi on your mobile devices by downloading our application on your smart phones or by accessing the web responsive interfaces.

How is my personal data protected in Bareedi?

Our priority is to protect the privacy of users and their personal data, so we use the latest security technologies available to protect user electronic communications and personal data.